Prompt 086: Drabble (Tricks)

Oct 06, 2008 03:22

Title: She'd Wanted So Much More
Author: angelus2hot
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 086(Tricks)
Characters/Pairing: Jenny (Jenny/Giles implied)

She was a teacher and a girlfriend.

But she had wanted so much more.

She'd wanted to be a wife, mother and grandmother.

Instead of the wonderful life she'd always dreamed of having fate had played a cruel trick. Angelus had entered their lives.

She'd wanted desperately to help Angel. But before she could tell anyone she’d found the cure Angelus had taken everything from her. Her hopes, dreams and her life had all ended at his hands.

Now the things she’d wanted most in life she'd never have, because the first time she shared Giles’ bed she was dead.-

081-090, jenny, angelus2hot, pg, drabble, btvs

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