Title: Swords and Corkscrews
Author: Redrikki
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 068 Kendra
Character: Kendra
Slayers, her Watcher said, were not girls. They were swords of girls’ flesh. Kendra knew swords. They were straight, focused, made for a single purpose. If she was a sword than Buffy was, well, a Swiss army knife maybe; blade one minute, corkscrew the next. She had not been forged, honed and sharpened the way Kendra had, but Buffy was just as much a Slayer, just as much a weapon. Kendra suspected her Watcher would not approve. He probably wouldn’t like her flying coach either. Kendra relaxed for the in-flight movie. It was about a dog. She enjoyed it anyway.