052 - A Pairing You've Never Written - Make Up Drabble

Mar 06, 2008 16:12

Title: Silver Platter

Author: married_n_mich

Rating: G

Word Count: 100 - Drabble

Prompt: 052: A Pairing you've never written

Characters/Pairing (if any):Faith, Andrew, and Andrew's new love (I have a thing with new love lately!)

A/N: Wasn't quite sure this would fit, but no one said the pairing had to be between two people *g* and I have an obsession with the entire... incident. Well, you'll see what I mean.

"It’s so pretty.”

“What are you talking about?” Faith said, getting into Andrew’s face.

“Not you!” he said, taking a step back. “I would never say you’re pretty. You *are* pretty for a girl, but I would never say it.”

“Just shut up.”

“Here,” he said, handing her the package.

“What is this?”

“That, Ms Slayer-Extraordinaire, is perfection."

Two days later:

“You’re evil again,” Andrew insisted.

That’s why his crying felt out of place. He'd practically handed it to her on a sliver platter. What was his problem?

“It was a stupid hot pocket, you idiot.”

“But I loved it.”

andrew, 051-060, married_n_mich, g, faith, drabble, btvs

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