043: Another Festivus Miracle

Dec 12, 2007 13:41

Title My Son Tells Me Your Company Stinks!
Author Sarah
Rating PG-13
Word Count 155
Prompt 043 Festivus
Characters/Pairing (if any) Dawn, Buffy, Xander, Willow, Anya
A/N: I *love* Seinfeld. Not up for voting.

Dawn stood in the center of the room, looking at the shocked faces around her. “As for you, Buffy, you always treat me like a child!” She screamed. “I am not five years old! I’m in high school! Stop treating me like a kid!”

She turned to Willow. “And you think you’re so smart just because you can do magick and stuff! Who cares!”

“Anya!” Dawn yelled. “You’re so greedy and all you care about is money! Don’t you even know how to be nice to people?!”

“And Xander!” Dawn turned to face Xander, who generally was pretty nice to her. “You look stupid in your construction hat.” She finished lamely.

“Oh my God, Dawn, what is your problem?” Buffy stood up, angry.

“Oh nothing.” Dawn broke out in a huge smile. “Janice told me about this holiday called Festivus, and I’m just practicing for the Airing of Grievances part. It’s going to be great.”

anya, dawn, willow, holiday havoc, btvs, boy_named_susie, ficlet, 041-050, buffy, xander, pg13

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