035: Pretty Girl...

Oct 13, 2007 22:00

Title Pretty Girl...
Author Tabitha Grace Smith
Rating PG-13 for graphic ideas (and the idea of rape)
Word Count: 100
Prompt 035: Reevers
Characters/Pairing (if any) Reevers, Some random victim
AN: Inspired by a fic I can't find that was based on the idea that Reevers have different levels of Reever-ism.

She was a pretty girl.

He knew that, he remembered a time where that meant something. Soft skin against his.

Very pretty.

He could smell her fear. Smell how excited that made his fellow crew mates. Sometimes they knew what they were doing, sometimes they didn't. Some of his crew were little more than dogs. Others, like him, remembered.

She had blonde hair - very pretty.

His stomach growled and wanted more. He wanted to rip her throat out, wanted to rape her until she screamed, wanted to....

Growls and screams stopped the thoughts.

Now it was time to feed.

ficlet, 031-040, sl_podcast, firefly, pg13

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