Prompt 28

Aug 30, 2007 02:23

Looks like I'm gonna become a regular submitter. Here's some fiction and some fan art.

Title A New Do
Author kgola
Rating G
Word Count 252
Prompt 028: BTVS S3/S4
Characters/Pairing (if any) Willow

Willow stood near the window, watching the blades flick silver in the sunlight. She was nervous about entering, but she knew this time of upheaval required this action.

She puffed out a breath. < Alright, going in. >

A bell chimed as she pushed through the door. A female face greeted her, “Hi, do you have an appointment?”

“No. Oh god, should I have made an appointment? I didn't think.” Willow babbled.

“It should only be a fifteen minute wait. A few of our staff are almost done with their current appointments. Why don't you have a seat and look at some magazines?”

“Thanks.” Willow sat nervously in the waiting area. She flipped pages without seeing the pictures.

Finally, “You're next, darling. What can I do for you today?” a slender man approached Willow.

“I want it off. All off.”

“Are you sure? That could be drastic.”

“Well, maybe just an inch then. I'm starting college in a few weeks, and I feel like new school means new haircut.”

“Let me take care of it, honey!” The hairdresser sat her in his chair and snipped away. For an hour she heard nothing but the snipping and spritzing coming from his hands. Red locks fell around her, and she closed her eyes - partially to avoid hair in her face, and partially because she couldn't watch.

“Voila! A new you. What do you think?”

“Perfect.” Willow paid. As she left the store, heads turned to follow her. She was confident this school year would be different.

Title Visitor
Author kgola
Rating G
Word Count 349
Prompt 028: BTVS S3/S4
Characters/Pairing (if any) Faith and Buffy

Buffy knew Willow wouldn't understand why she was there. Again. For the third time that week. She wasn't even sure herself. But she couldn't stay away from the hospital room.

Perhaps it was due to the connection she had with her sister slayer. The shared dreams haunted her. They hadn't stopped with her discharge from the hospital; in fact they'd gotten worse. Though the first dream had been clearly hers, she knew they weren't all. She felt like an intruder on Faith, but she had no control over it.

She sat in the hard plastic chair next to Faith's bed. Her hand hovered over Faith's. Would she even know she was there if she touched her? Buffy had debated this question twice this week. Both times, she'd chickened out, afraid she might awaken an angry slayer.

A conversation raged in her head, but she spoke no words. The nurses kept telling her coma patients could hear her if she spoke, but that only convinced her further not to say anything. Besides, she wasn't sure what to say. “Sorry I stabbed you” just didn't seem to cut it. And updating Faith on her summer vacation didn't seem very nice when Faith was stuck here, in bed. Buffy knew she would probably much rather be out dancing.

Buffy could see the sun setting out the window. “Time to go slay some demons for us, Faithy,” she thought to herself. She had no plans to return, but then she never did.

Faith's dreams were filled of Buffy. She was hunting her by her scent, though the blond slayer never said a word, Faith knew she was hiding among the graves. Faith halted in front of a fresh grave. Her eyes told her the gravestone said Faith Lehane, but no one in Sunnydale knew her last name. The Mayor's tendrils must extend far if he'd managed to get that information. Standing there, studying the stone, she felt a hand hover over hers. She was aware of another's breath behind her, but when she turned to face her stalker, they disappeared in a cloud.

Title The Move
Author kgola
Rating G
Word Count 188
Prompt 028: BTVS S3/S4
Characters/Pairing (if any) Cordelia
A/N: Cordy's last moments in Sunnydale

Her boxes were all packed. Not that there were many of them; the IRS had seized most of her stuff. She didn't understand why; it wasn't her fault the taxes hadn't been paid. A newspaper lay on top of one box, apartment listings circled. Most had been crossed off, but one had stars next to it. That was where she was moving. Her new life was about to begin; life as a movie star.

It had been only a month and a half since graduation, but she'd heard from no one. None of the pathetic Scoobies had called, not even Xander. Even Harmony who was usually her lapdog hadn't called. There was no surprise going-away party with the whole school invited; half the graduating class hadn't survived graduation. It wasn't quite the send-off she'd imagined at the beginning of senior year, but at least she was escaping. Though her grades were good enough to get her into college, they weren't good enough to get her scholarships. And if she had to work, Cordelia Chase was going to work a job she needed no training for - acting.

Title Connor's Bored
Author kgola
Rating G
Prompt 028: ATS S3/S4
Characters/Pairing (if any) Angel and Connor (not paired)
A/N: I was inspired by lauratd to give someone else Willow's infamous words.

Title Someone had to do it
Author kgola
Rating G
Prompt 028: ATS S3/S4
Characters/Pairing (if any) Gunn and Fred

Title Back to Basics
Author kgola
Rating G
Prompt 028: Ats S3/S4
Characters/Pairing (if any) Gunn's truck and some vamps!

Title Lousy Diploma
Author kgola
Rating G
Prompt 028: BTVS S3/S4
Characters/Pairing (if any) Buffy and Giles

gunn, giles, 021-030, willow, ats, g, faith, connor, ficlet, cordelia, btvs, fanart, buffy, kgola, fred, angel

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