027 drabble

Aug 21, 2007 16:44

Title: On the Town, Live!
Author: divadea
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 027 Buffy S7/S8
Characters/Pairing (if any): Buffy, Xander, Giles, slayers, reporter
A/N: Told from the perspective of a random TV reporter. Imagine the microphone.

Here we are at an impromptu celebration of the permanent termination of Sunnydale and its hellmouth. I survey the room, full of young ladies galore and cocktails aplenty.

…and then I said, “He had to split!” Get it? Split?

The potentials, er, slayers, laugh, and this reporter wonders - did the we’re-all-slayers-now mojo include imbuement of superior punning skills?

In a corner across the room, Xander entertains another crowd by expertly throwing darts with one hand behind his back, and one eye, well, you know.

Even Mr. Giles seems a bit looser than usual. Oh, wait, no, is that a scone?

giles, 021-030, g, btvs, divadea, buffy, drabble, xander

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