Prompt 019 Makeup

Jul 05, 2007 22:31

Sorry for the spam. RL has been busy, hence all the makeups. I am behind in commenting on everyone's fics/icons/art, but I will get caught up in the next few days. Thanks guys!

Title: Last Kiss
Author: Sarah
Prompt: 019 - Cordelia
Rating: PG
Character: Cordy/Angel
Word Count: 100
A/N: Not up for voting. Written for the drabble challenge at good__evil.

“I’ll love you forever, you know,” she smiled as she lightly touched his face and then kissed him.

“I don’t know how I lived without you these past months, Cordelia. I got so off track without you. Promise me you won’t ever leave me again.”

“I promise,” she sighed as she kissed him.

Angel sat up in bed, drenched in sweat. It was all a dream, he slowly realized. Cordelia was gone. He was alone. He stood and looked out the window at the solitary moon. A single tear ran down his cheek. How could he go on without her?

Title: No One Defies Chuck Norris
Author: Sarah
Rating: R
Word Count: 607
Prompt: 019
Characters: Cordy/Angel, Cordy/Chuck Norris
A/N: Not up for voting. This is probably the most cracked out crack!fic I have come up with to date. So yeah, this is not meant to be taken seriously at all. And if Chuck Norris ever happens to stumble upon this ficlet, please don't roundhouse kick me - I love you and offer this fic up as a tribute to your greatness!

He is the giver and creator of life. He formed the earth and all its inhabitants. What he has given, he may also take away. He is a God among men, and men should speak his name with reverence. He exercises power over all things and can change the course of existence with a single roundhouse.

Angel stared hard at the words, reading them over and over. He had already sacrificed so much. In fact, he had thought that he had given all he could when he signed away his life and took over Wolfram and Hart. But there was one thing he still possessed. One thing he could give. And only one being who had the power to do what he desired.

“You can’t honestly be thinking of doing this.” Wesley stared at Angel with horror and dismay in his eyes.

“I have no choice. I can’t lose her.” Angel strode out of his office and didn’t glance back.

The trip took longer than he had imagined. But he eventually found him, alone in the desert. His eyes were hard and unyielding, his beard tougher than granite. Angel could feel his eyes piercing his very soul. He could feel the power emanating from the man - no, not a man, a veritable God-king - before him. Angel fell to his knees and shielded his eyes from the glowing light that radiated all around him.

He had known Angel was coming. Angel could feel it. And as he looked deep into Angel’s soul, Angel realized that he knew why he was there.

Finally, Chuck Norris spoke. “You know what you must give me to obtain what you desire?”

Angel stood up and glanced at Chuck Norris’ face. “I do,” he trembled.

“Are you sure you understand the consequences? The Cherokee teach us to be one with nature. To respect her and not meddle with her decisions. The one you wish to save is already slipping away. It could end badly. It may not bring her back. Even if it does not work, I will still own your soul. And I will take great pleasure in devouring it while you watch.”

“I can’t lose her,” Angel repeated the mantra that had kept him going. He thought of Cordelia and smiled. “I can’t lose her.”


Chuck Norris stood over the hospital bed and noted the girl’s shallow breathing. “She has started the journey to the other side. I may not be able to bring her back.” He grasped Cordelia’s right hand between both his.

Angel stood silently by, not daring to move. He knew it would work. Chuck Norris could do anything.

“WAKE UP!” Chuck Norris commanded Cordelia, who promptly sat up because no one dare disobey Chuck Norris. She opened her eyes and was immediately struck by his rugged good looks.

“Hello salty goodness. I’ve never seen such a sexy beard.” Cordelia practically purred.

“Cordelia!” Angel threw himself on the bed and began sobbing. “I thought I was going to lose you. I love you!.”

“Do you mind?” Cordy demanded, irritated. She nodded her head in Chuck Norris’ direction. “Chuck Norris, hello!”

“I guess you’re not too bad for just coming out of a coma.” Chuck Norris put his arm around Cordy and helped her out of bed. “Want to go have some fun?”

Cordy shuddered with delight from the orgasm she experienced solely from the touch of Chuck Norris’ arm around her waist. “Yes,” she moaned.

“You were supposed to save her for *me.*” Angel cried.

Chuck Norris grinned. “I told you it could go badly. Just not for me.” Then he roundhouse kicked Angel in the face.

Title: Lost Again
Author: Sarah
Rating: Pg-13
Word Count: 1,211
Fandoms: Angel/Veronica Mars
Characters: Angel, Kendall Casablancas
Spoilers: Through NFA for Angel and season 2 of VM.
Summary: A few years after the fight with the Senior Partners, Angel meets a woman who reminds him of someone he once loved.
A/N: Not up for voting. Written for the prompt Angel, Kendall Casablancas (Veronica Mars), shell at doppelgang_land. And thanks to Kelly for kicking my butt until this came out right!

Lost Again

r, ats, fic, boy_named_susie, cordelia, ficlet, drabble, cordy/angel, pg13, 011-020, angel

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