003 Midweek Reminder

Mar 05, 2007 18:21

We need more fic! Odd as it is, icons, we have some but always need more. But we only have three stories. Any fics written new or old, always welcomed.

Keep in mind, you can do up to TEN entries for both icons and fiction.

A few quick housekeeping things:
1. Sarah will be off doing RL things so winners for challenge 003 will not be posted until Monday evening/Tuesday afternoon since we decide the mod's choice together. Voting will still end Sunday night at 11:59pm PST.
2. Please respond to the comments made on your icons and fic. It not only is polite, but people appreciate it, making it more likely they will vote for you. I know, some stories get a lot of comments but I timed myself and it took me 3 minutes to respond to all the comments on one of mine.
3. I know I shouldn't have to say this, but please don't vote for yourself when voting comes around. Thanks.
4. If anyone has any questions, comments, concerns, please just respond to this. We are still a young comm, trying to get the kinks out.

001-010, reminder, modpost

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