Ficlet: His Death

Jun 21, 2007 22:34

Title: His Death
Author: Sarah
Characters: Illyria, Spike
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: 018 Wesley
Word Count: 518
Summary: Illyria deals with the aftermath of Wesley's death.
Note: Written for Illyria month at good__evil

She looks at the armies opposing her, and it feels strange, to be one of so few fighting against so many. It feels odd to be in battle like this. She was a God-King. She led and directed campaigns. She did not engage in hand-to-hand combat. But today such base violence is necessary. Not to stop the forces of evil. Not to fight the good fight. Not to defeat the Wolf, the Ram, and the Hart. She cares nothing of these human battles waged by the forces of good and evil. Today for her such violence is necessary to assuage the grief and rage she feels because of his death.

So she begins killing. She rips off heads and severs torsos. She screams and cries, letting those who come within her path feel her ire. Nothing slows her. Nothing stops her. Her movements are almost mechanical. She is blind to everything except the anger she feels at his death.

The battle lasts for hours, maybe days. She has no concept of the time that has passed. All she knows is that it is over far too quickly. She needs to do more violence. She needs to expel her fury. Thunder still rattles in the sky overhead. And she still boils with rage over his death.

The dead and dying lie in heaps all over the city. She surveys the ruins, relishes the knowledge that it was she that caused so much of the waste she sees before her. But it is not enough, will never be enough. She still feels the pain caused by his death.

She finds Spike slumped against an alley wall. He is badly beaten, bruised, and coughing blood. But he is alive, as much as his half-breed kind can be alive. This fact makes her happy for the briefest of seconds. But the feeling does not last. The memory returns, and she is again saddened by his death.

They wander, neither knowing where they should go. They find Gunn lying under the carcass of a Krevlar demon. He has been dead for hours. His body is cold and there is a look of anguish in his eyes. But he went down fighting, a warrior to the end. To see another like this makes her temper flare. She recalls the look he gave her before he died, and she inwardly seethes over his death.

Angel is nowhere to be found. They look for hours. There is dust and dirt and death everywhere. Spike finally shakes her and says they could not find him even if they searched for years. They are the only two left. This knowledge renews her anger at the senselessness of his death.

She takes Spike to his body, shows Spike where he drew his last breath. She rails against the meaninglessness of his death and the feelings his death has caused her. She was a God-King. She cared nothing of humans and their mortal condition. Why should the loss of one cause her pain? She cannot answer the question. All she knows is that she feels empty because of his death.

illyria, boy_named_susie, ficlet, spike, ats, pg13, 011-020

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