(by no means was there any) acoustic christmas

Dec 10, 2007 09:08

Good Morning everyone,

It's been a long time since i've written anything here but I'm in no mood to work right now so I thought I'd write something.

There's actually some stuff that's been going on in my life but i'm not really inclined to talk about it right now. Maybe at a later time when things have sorted themselves out i'll fill you in but for now i'm going to keep that off my journal.

Anyway, last night I trekked my way out to the Universal Amphitheater for KROQ's Almost Acoustic Christmas Night 2. It's been a while since i've been to an Acoustic Christmas and a long time since i've been at a concert for 5 hours. It made me realize how old i'm getting. I was and still am exhausted.

My younger cousin Theresa just moved from San Diego to Fullerton (she goes to Optometry School) and this was her first KROQ concert event. She's a huge Jimmy Eat World (JEW) fan and really wanted to go so we both tried to get tickets (which sold out in like 5 minutes).

Our seats weren't too bad even though we were up in the Mezzanine. Universal has good seating all around so unless you're on the very end there is no bad view. Although I wish my camera wasn't dead. Luckily my cousin brought her camera and took pics. I'll post some when she gets them to me. She also took video (and we got in trouble with the scary security *rolls eyes*).

So Spoon opened up the show. I wasn't too familiar with their music and at first wasn't really that into them but by the end of their set they surprised me with some really good music. I'm going to have to look up some of their stuff. I think that's what I love about these types of events. There are always acts that you aren't familiar with that you get a chance to hear a little of their music and they can really surprise you.

Next up was Feist. I think Leslie has a lovely voice and I really enjoyed their set. I was surprised at how many of her songs I know, although I only thought I knew 2 of her songs. I started texting my cousin during her set because she loves her and she freaked out. it was cute. although i kept thinking of commercials during her set (her songs play during the ipod nano and verizon chocolate commercials). I'd like to see them again.

Silversun Pick-ups was after that. They were okay. I only knew one of their songs and they put on a good show but I wasn't wowed by their music. I didn't mind listening to them but they weren't a group where I would go out and buy all their stuff. But I don't think they're bad, just not particularly my taste.

Next up were the Shins. I always enjoy their sets and this was no exception. A nice mix of the old and new. You do know they'll change your life, right? I love saying that to people, call me corny. Although I can't remember but I don't think they sang New Slang. And that becomes a recurring theme...some bands didn't play certain songs we were all expecting them to! Damn them.

According to the line-up, the next act up was Modest Mouse, at 8:20. It was barely 8pm and because of the rotating stage and our view from up top, we could see that they were already set up for the next act. I could see a ton of Christmas trees and Modest Mouse wasn't really the Christmas tree type of band. I had a sneaking suspicion there was a surprise special guest. I told my cousin about how a few years back we had a surprise special guest of Gwen Stefani, who came out with all her Harajuku girls and performed like 3 songs. Well, without an introduction (which the KROQ DJs did before every act) the stage started rotating and music started to play and people started to scream. It was...The Killers! YAY! They played a short set of only 4 songs but they were pretty awesome. They played their new Christmas song, "Don't Shoot Me Santa". It was a nice surprise and the first time the whole arena was up on their feet and singing along to just about every song (except the new one). It was pretty funny though because they had a guy dressed up as Santa and they danced around a little. I'm not sure if my cousin got it on video but if she did then i'll post it. It was a nice short set. They were also the only ones to really decorate their set for Christmas (with the exception of Silversun Pickups having some Christmas lights).

Next up was Modest Mouse. I felt a little bad for them because everyone was so hyped from seeing the Killers and the Killers are a bit more dynamic than Modest Mouse that it seemed like a total shift in mood in the room. I think they should have come out after Modest Mouse and before Jimmy Eat World and that would have been a better line-up and better flow to the show. Modest Mouse also always puts on a good show although half the time I can't understand what the lead singer is saying. They do rock though. But I am so freakin disappointed that they didn't perform Missed the Boat. They also ended on a strange song that no one really knew. Usually bands end on a high note with a song everyone knows and can sing along to or can identify but not them. Missed the Boat is one of my favorite songs from them. I was ready to "shake shake shake" LOL. They also didn't perform Float On, which totally surprised me too.

Then there was Jimmy Eat World! YAY! My cousin's favorite band. She's probably seen them like a dozen or so times already. Geez. We were standing the whole time and they played an awesome set, although I could say that they played one too many slower songs which made me kinda sleepy. Plus they finally turned off the fans there and i was getting warm. My cousin was sad because she said she wanted to jump around but felt wierd cuz no one else was standing in our section but us. I told her not to give a shit and we jumped around anyway, especially during The Sweetness (my fave JEW song). Our only disappointment with them is that they didn't play Last Christmas! COME ON! I told my cousin that last time they played acoustic Christmas they played it and everyone was so happy because no one else played any Christmas songs but NO! They did not play it! Right before their last song, in the lull of music, my cousin and I kept yelling Last Christmas in hopes that they would end with it. They ended with The Middle. *sigh* NOt that I don't like The MIddle but i've heard them play it a zillion times, play the freakin Christmas song for the freakin Christmas show! Damn you JEW!!!

And last but not least was my most favoritest band, Muse! YAYAYAYAY!!!! I was on my feet the whole time and jumped around half the time. LOL. Finally people in our section were on their feet and the pit seemed to finally get going. They rock so freakin hard. I looooooovvvvve it. This was my 5th time seeing them and they have not ONCE disappointed me. They played all the faves from the last 2 albums and Matt is such a freakin little rock star. You gotta love em. My cousin's first time seeing them and she was very impressed. She took a lot of video of them and i'll post something when I get them.

5 straight hours of music. I don't think i've done that in a very long time. I didn't get home until 1am and then had to get up early for work today. I was sooo close to calling out sick. My voice is almost shot and i'm so tired and my body is aching. I'm getting old for this....but that doesn't mean i'm going to stop any time soon. The nice part is spending time with my cousin and knowing I have yet another concert buddy! Also, she caught some of Linkin Park's set on the webcast and she is a convert. They're touring again next year and i think i'm gonna drag her to her first LP concert. LOL. =)
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