Time for business... (Tag Crew) Yes, that means EVERYONE on Serenity!

Apr 27, 2007 07:49

They have been parked on Kaylee's home planet a week now. One week. Crew been here and there, but Mal has stayed on ship. No job hunting. Which is making his feet itch. Not to mention the fact that K is still out there. That fact alone is burning a hole in the Captain's mind. Expecially now that the Doc's and Kaylee's wedding is so close. He won't ( Read more... )

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starlightelite April 27 2007, 18:07:41 UTC
Derek's working on his fighter when the calls comes through the cargo bay. He drops the wrench and wipes his hands off on a rag before dropping that, too, and heading up the fore-deck stairs and turning into the dining area.

He nods at Mal and takes a seat at the table and waits for everyone else to arrive.


aboynamed_jayne April 29 2007, 21:45:11 UTC
Jayne walked in carrying Inara much to her protests, although once finally in the Gallery she was quiet and withdrawn. Jayne put her down on a seat quickly moving away worried he'd broken her again.

Inara focused on her hands the jumper she was making almost complete. The parts just needed sewing together.

Zoe walked in Derrial in her arms "Is he Meant to be able to projectile vomit like that?" she asked bouncing him. She noted the quiet almost shy Inara but said nothing of it. She did however comment on "Jayne is that a hiccy on your neck?"


random_xtras April 29 2007, 22:10:48 UTC
Pug hung lazily around Sadie's neck as she wandered in with a spoon in her mouth. The young pilot was finally wearing clothes of her own: a short knit halter dress and a pair of shorts that was as modest as shorts that were short could be. In one hand she held a mug of honey, in the other she held a cortex with butterfly stickers stuck to it.

"(Whaddya want, old man?)" she asked in Chinese.


riverserene April 30 2007, 06:04:49 UTC
River followed not far behind Sadie, looking rather smug with herself.

Without thinking, she almost drops into Jayne's lap, then remembers the Captain's delicate sensibilities... and sits on the floor at Inara's feet instead, which just happens to have her leaning partially against the mercenary's leg as well as the Companion's.


steel_horse April 30 2007, 20:16:04 UTC
Steel walked in, his shirt forgotten as he smiled at his friend leaning against her boys leg. "Am I welcome?" he asked standing near the door.


cap_tight_pants April 30 2007, 20:34:56 UTC
Mal watches everyone come filing in. A nod and chuckle as each have there wn comments and he shifts bit to move closer to Inara as Steel enters the room.

"It would seem Steel, that you're th'soul reason I called this little meetin'." states Mal stepping foreword. "Though a shirt woulda been nice."

He turns to address his crew.

"It seems we got ourselves a problem an' River brought Steel aboard to help fix that problem. What happened t'Nara ain't right an' I ain't sittin' by an'waitin' for it to happen again. Lit'Kaylee an' th'Doc mean t'marry an' I mean t'see it happen, but it won't wit'th'worry of K out there. So, what I'm askin' is what you all think of all this an'what we gonna do about it?"


starlightelite May 3 2007, 18:53:04 UTC
Derek takes it all in and ponders for a moment. "Well, for starters, we can start by spreading a little disinformation. Like, if the wedding's going to be taking place on planet A, we tell everyone planet B, so that way anyone wanting to hit us then will be in the wrong place," he starts. "And we can do the same thing with the time, too. Say dinner-time when we mean lunch...that sort of thing."


aboynamed_jayne May 3 2007, 22:01:26 UTC
"Be doin that and I'll forget ta show" Jayne muttered more to himself than the group. Hand absently going to Rivers hair.

Inara swallowed hard, her heart in her throat. The idea of seeing them, those, people. It scared her. She'd be honest about that.

Zoe bounced Derrial, "Makin' sure everyone's armed to the teeth would be shiney too....." she said "Although maybe not this one......" she laughed "Not that I'd wanna be not goin, but, a decoy could be shiney, I mean they show on a planet and can't be spyin any of us..... they'll be knowin we ain't there......" she said absently.

Steel scowled slightly thinking as he pulled on a shirt. Although it had clearly been used as a rag while working on his bike it was so covered in grease. "I was bounty hunterin' y'all...... I have contacts.... 'ell sure some alliance men know My sitch. Could send in a fake report saying I've set a trap for River on this decoy and they'll get sent there, c'n shoot 'em dead when they get there." he looked to River to see if that was right.


random_xtras May 4 2007, 02:56:50 UTC
"Nexus?" asked Sadie around her spoon, eyes on Mal's face as Pug gave everyone a 'purty kitty' look and tried to turn his head upside down before hopping over to see the Captain and rumbling like and engine.


riverserene May 4 2007, 04:14:10 UTC
River leans into Jayne's touch and grins at Steele "I'm the bait."


cap_tight_pants May 4 2007, 06:24:41 UTC
Mal listens to all the suggestions that his crew makes with nods as he makes his way closer to Inara. The coffee mug forgotten on the counter, his arms are crossed across his chest until he reaches her and absently places a hand on her shoulder gently as he addresses his crew's suggestions ( ... )


starlightelite May 4 2007, 15:28:47 UTC
"So now we need to pick a planet that's as far away from Persephone as possible, without it being obvious. And if you've made any wedding-related calls yet, I suggest you un-make them, but in a way that let's us show up and say 'sorry! changed our minds yet again!'," Derek adds, standing.

"As far as weapons and tactics go, I'll park my fighter close by so I can be first in the air if need be."


aboynamed_jayne May 4 2007, 23:02:36 UTC
Steel smiled "I don't need to be at the weddin' ain't family or friend, so, muscle......" he reminded "Can go, be anywhere. Just, best I get orders otherwise I-" he paused "Well get distracted....." he had after all gone from being bad guy to good guy at the flip of a coin almost.

Jayne grinned thinking *You bait me good'n proper*

Inara nodded "I can babysit" she said relaxing a little thanks to Mal being near.

Zoe smiled "Derrial would like that-" she said as he tried to put his foot in his mouth.


random_xtras May 4 2007, 23:20:03 UTC
Sadie looked around, feeling a little lost, then got distracted as one side of her nose started to twitch. The sneeze was small, but brought friends along, and trying to figure out why her nose was exploding kept her occupied for the next little while.

Pug, meanwhile, started to climb Mal's leg.


riverserene May 5 2007, 01:10:47 UTC
River looked at Sadie curiously, then smirked. It was mean, and she'd probably get a lecture, but River leaned forward and as loud as she could shouted "HEY SADIE!!!" she couldn't figure out why she hadn't thought of it earlier, get everyone with all those different kinds of emotions and feelings and scents... kickstart the bug ( ... )


cap_tight_pants May 7 2007, 01:33:52 UTC
Mal stands up a bit with a start and his arms uncross, "River? What the hell are you playin'-"

Just then he feels Pug's nail dig into his leg, "OH GORRAMIT!" he bends over to get Pug off without thinking and lets out another groan of pain as his hand goes to his side and the other goes to the table to stablize himself. Eyes closed tight as he breathed through the pain.


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