Parker and Curtis are fine....

May 25, 2007 06:39

...but Mustang Sally is no more. Parker totaled his Mustang yesterday.


He's sixteen now, and six in the icon.

He was traveling east on a residential street in a deluge of rain when a trash can blew into his path. He swerved and lost control and hit a tree. Or rather hit a low-hanging, thick tree branch. The windshield is all but gone and the passenger side of the roof from front to back is peeled/crushed/shattered like a can. Kind of like those movies when the sports car drives up under a semi.

Parker called 911 then me. I flew out the door of the office and headed that way. I turned onto Ridgetop and saw two fire trucks, an ambulance and police car. I ran toward the Mustang but both boys were in the ambulance.

*heart pound*

I headed towards it and a Medic came to greet me. Funny how twelve million thoughts can race through your brain at once. He reached his hand out to me and I shook it. He said, "No, I'm helping you in. It's a big step."

*comic relief*

Both boys were laughing with the Medics. Parker is unscathed but Curtis is speckled with cuts from the windshield and door window.

Curtis is alive because he leaned toward Parker right before they hit. I think the Lord nudged him. Had he not his head would have hit the tree, too. Also, the windshield support on the passenger side was crunched downward into the passenger seat. Curtis' parents had the misfortune of seeing the Mustang before they saw the boys. They were white as sheets.

Thank you, Jesus, that both boys are fine.

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