Title: An Anti-Clockwise Event
Rated: G
Warning: Nope
Pairing: Ohno/Aiba (gen)
Prompt: Losing Track of Time
Summary: Together they can make time stand still.
An Anti-Clockwise Event
Aiba swore it was magic, what they could do. And Ohno believed him because there wasn't really any point in not believing Aiba.
It was very simple: When they were together, and when they tried, they could make time stand still.
"No, really, doing anything," Ohno explained to Jun. "Like one time it was in the cafeteria and just last week we were fishing and-"
"You were six hours late," Sho broke in, Jun nodding to back him up.
"Nobody yelled," Ohno said. "If we were actually late, somebody would have yelled."
"You forgot to come to work that day," Jun groaned. "You and Masaki just didn't show up."
"Didn't," Ohno disagreed. "When we got there we were even told that we weren't on the scheduled for that shoot that day."
Sho and Jun looked at each other.
"That was-" they both started.
"Don't argue with him," Nino piped up from the corner where he was dealing cards. He barely lifted his eyes. "You know he won't listen," he added and Ohno could hear Sho's and Jun's mouths snap shut.
It didn't matter if they didn't believe him because Aiba didn't just believe it; Aiba knew it.
Ohno stood up.
"Satoshi," Sho said warningly.
Ohno smiled at him. "I won't be late," he said. He wouldn't be. He was going to find Aiba and they were going to stop the clocks for a little bit. Aiba, as it turned out, was just coming over to the makeup area from getting dressed. "Hey," Ohno said, lifting a hand.
Aiba stopped. "Leader!" he said cheerfully. Then, looking past him, "What's up with everybody else?"
"Dunno," Ohno said with a shrug. "They don't believe me about the time thing."
"Ohhh," Aiba nodded and then laughed. "Want to stop it now for a little bit?" He held out his hand.
If there was any one reason in the world for Ohno to love Aiba, it was that: the way he reached out and offered to make the world stand still.
Putting his hand in Aiba's, Ohno smiled. "Yeah." Their fingers linked. "Let's stop it all for a little bit and go have fun."
"All right!" Aiba reached out his other hand.
Ohno reached back, linking them together. He stepped forward, holding their joined hands out to the side and listened to Aiba laughing again. He closed his eyes for a moment, just a single second, and opened them again. He watched Aiba's eyes open with a flutter. "The world is frozen and there's a girl-band full of hotties doing a video one floor down," he told him.
"Let's go!" Aiba said, letting go of one hand but keeping their others held fast, keeping time in check. "I want to see the hot girls!"
"You morons!" Jun yelled. "You're going to hold things up!"
"This is very unprofessional, Satoshi! Masaki!" Sho shouted.
"Do you honestly think they're listening?" Nino asked genially.
"Uh, Matsumoto-san? Sakurai-san?" an assistant said gingerly, "it seems there's a problem with the lights and we're going to be delayed for some time…"
"What the hell?" Sho and Jun and Nino said together.
Ohno laughed as got in the elevator. "I told them we could make time stop," he said.
"They should listen to Leader," Aiba said as the world dropped out from under them, spinning away with the time, and the elevator took them down one floor.