Alphabet Meme, the kitty compels you

Aug 25, 2008 18:51

Someone gives you a letter, you post ten things that you love and that start with that letter. You can either use the next letter in the alphabet than the one you saw, which I think is the first way it was done, or ask the person 'ahead' of you in line to pick a letter. (To avoid entire friendslists 'doing' oh, say, Q, or Z. Tho that might be fun too.

I got B.

1) Beads and.....

2) Baubles (and all sorts of other Beautiful things, which was too vague to use) &

3) Bees, honey bees, bumble bees, buzzing bees, but not spelling bees &

4) Bakeries - full of brownies, and bread.... and bakalava.... &

5) Books - can't belive books waited till number five, but I've been beading a lot lately, and all the books in sight are about beads or healdry - and I'm trying to make healdric beads, and it is very distracting &

6) Being Loved - should be number one, but gerunds, passive gerunds, such odd words, and I wasn't sure if this was supposed to be flow of consciousness or not

7) Bedtime and my comfy BED. Also, the letters P&G - I've got a kid on this internet.

8) Brocade, beautiful, intricate, heavy and soft -

9) Board games - some of them anyhow -

10) Beginnings - and I'm just silly enough to put them at the end.

brocade, friends, beginings, meme, bread, games, bakalava, fun, guildsisters, baubles, brownies, silly, books, lists, the people who live in my computer, board games, being loved, kid, bed, beads, bakeries

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