Misery Loves Company

Jan 03, 2008 19:03

So not only do I currently have a lousy head cold that I believe is actually also combined with a sinus infection (and is probably about to also include my coworker's bronchitis), but now I've managed to get Jason sick, too.  Poor guy.  :(

BTW, part of not being on LJ to write anytime recently has also included not being on LJ to read anything, so I'm just now starting to get caught up on what's happening with everyone... please bear with me....

I realized last night that the last few months of the year have been pretty much spent sick one way or another, and Jason helpfully suggested that maybe it's just what happens when you get old (that little shit!).  But seriously: this cold/sinus thing is happening DIRECTLY on the heels of my little tango with pink eye, which happened after a certain lady issue, which itself resulted from the taking of too much penicillin as follow-up to my emergency root canal a few days after our engagement party, which happened, oh, about 3 or so weeks after the somewhat-serious digestive issue that I had in November and again in December which involved a day-long visit to the ER.  So it's been a great couple of months for me, health-wise.  I think the only thing I haven't had is an enlarged prostate, but at this point, nothing would surprise me.

I'd told Jason that, while I was in MD/VA, Kara and I went wedding dress shopping, first at Dizzavid's Brizzidal in Springfield, and then in Alexandria at Hannelore's on N. Lee Street (which, for guys who might not know this, is a financial disparity rather akin to shopping first at Goodwill and then popping into Saks to see what's new).  I tried on I think 4 dresses at Hannelore's.  One I really liked a lot.  Two were "eh."  One, however, made my heart race when I put it on; it was INSTANTLY The Dress.  It was the only one in the entire shop that Kara actually liked, and I truly loved it.  (Did I write this here already?)

Unfortunately for me, it was, predictably, the most expensive dress in the store (not an exaggeration; it was THE most expensive dress.  Period).  It's made by a company cheesily called "Eve of Milady," which is apparently more high-brow than I'd always thought.  I was disappointed to find that purchasing that particular dress will put me on the Eve of Mi'Bankruptcy, so I'll either have to take a 2nd job or find another dress.

I was telling this all to Jason today as we sat in the detail shop where he was having his Jeep cleaned before we ran a few more errands (I took the day off and slept in this morning, but not before running on my NEW TREADMILL, which I made Jason promise is the LAST thing he'll buy me before the wedding.  But how sweet is he?!?!  It was no coincidence that this purchase happened on the night of the lowest temperature low (18 degrees, a hard-frost warning) in northwest Florida so far this season, so I wouldn't have to run outdoors in Fargo, Florida)....  I told him, "As soon as I can breathe through my nose again...." (hahaha)....!!  ("Diamonds: She'll Pretty Much Have To":  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ur2er-STls)

So I sat beside him at the detail place, thumbing through my new issue of Martha Stewart Weddings (thank you, Cliff!), and every time I would see some sort of dress I liked, I'd ask him his thoughts.  "What do you think about this one?  How about this one?  And this one?  And this?"  How the poor guy didn't grow a vajayjay today I'll never know.  But he was very helpful in yea-ing/nay-ing the dresses, which leads me to believe that he's the most impossible person to buy for (not that he'd wear the dress.  But the point is, I want him to see me at the end of the aisle and think, "WOW, I get to marry THAT!" rather than seeing me at the end of the aisle and thinking, "HFS, I have to marry THAT?!??!!")  So, I think it's back to the drawing board.

And as soon as we get better, we're christening that new Margaritaville thingie.

This Sunday (not so mch after as ON the Epiphany) is De-Christmas the House Day.  I love Christmas, but I'm ready to get the house back in order.

I'm freezing cold (got a fever) and sitting on the couch, watching Law & Order: SVU amidst a pile of tissues.  I think it's about time I go back to bed (we put on the feather bed this morning) and let it swallow me and my stuffy nose whole.  And also I'm craving some 4C iced tea. 
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