Very droll

Mar 10, 2012 16:10

Been a long time since I logged into this or my old myspace profile, due to being a veritable old maid these days. Happily though I quite enjoyed remembering my old exploits. Still obsessed by horse riding. And now karaoke..... Still in dire need of exercise. Same as ever.
On the home stretch of my part time degree course.
Part time my arse, (it's been 6 years of doing homework in the holidays working like a dog termtime on just keeping pace with normal volumes of work).
I am somewhat disgruntled and unsatisfied by yet another work restructure which has resulted in an enjoyable career being subverted into some micromanaged version of idiocracy, where everyone believes that Councillors and MP's are the font of all common sense. Nothing could be further from the truth!!
Looking forward to completion in May. After which I really ought to get my skates on and complete the professional exams and portfolio, otherwise it's been 6 years for nothing:-(
Still since we appear to have travelled back in time to the 1980's with the recession and unemployment and rich people living large whilst the rest of us are getting by, i might be able to at least enjoy the music scene and get my creative mojo back.
Slightly embarrassing recent anecdote. Went to buy a swanky mike for my rather cacky computer karaoke player, hoped I'd get away with it. Went to the music shop and requested the mike and appropriate lead and all was going well, until the assistant asked (genuinely interested) 'So will you be using it for live performance or recording' meanwhile I withered down to my socks and muttered something like 'depends' in a not very cool way and shuffled outside to cool my red face. I'm not entirely sure why singing alone seems kinda seedy and wrong, it's like being caught singing along whilst listening to an i-pod on the bus, faintly amusing. I sometimes think it'd be easier to strip for people than sing in public (there's something very personal and vulnerable about it)! Hmmmm On that note... Byeeeee
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