Mar 07, 2006 20:26
OOC My Max
prefers vodka to all other forms of booze.
finds embroidery relaxing and uses it as a form of meditation.
Has made some lovely embroidered pieces.
likes swimming.
likes Thai food the best.
can cook well enough to make a professional chef weep with envy.
likes to pack her own rounds and customise weapons
will help those she cares about. No questions asked.
will defend those she cares about to the death.
really enjoys the company of Cole Cash.
would sooner kill most politicians as look at them.
has dated both men and women.
tends to be blunt and straight foreward in dealing with most people..
doesn't cut herself any slack, though it would not hurt her to do so at times.
is not known for her sense of humour.
has a practical if dark fashion sense.
loves 1980s music as well as Goth and Industrial
dances alot, especially in goth-industrial clubs.
is an adrenaline junkie
fears getting closer to people.
can't stand people who are self centered or feel the world owes them something.
doesn't mind killing people, but will not do so needlessly.
feels incomplete without weaponry.
is deathly afraid of being in love.
constantly abuses her abilities.
considers herself to be above most laws.
still carries a torch for her childhood sweetheart.
deals with most of her problems head on
is vain about her hair.
thinks that most people are naive.
has never really cared what anyone else has thought of her.
often wonders what it would have been like to have gone to a normal high school.
knows she's sexy.
often speaks plainly and honestly.
hates being lied to.
likes certain people more than she thought she would.
considers most people willfully blind to reality and has no pity for them.
takes any personal loss very hard.
is a very neat person.
likes blowing things up.
assumes she's right about most things.
is not a total bitch.
secretly finds people fascinating.
is afraid of losing control.
accepts the fact that she will probably die violently and is not disturbed by it.
secretly wonders what it would be like if she had had a normal childhood.
smirks alot because she knows she could probably take you out.
will shoot anyone who presumes to give her orders without prior consent.
meme ooc