Title: Transmutation
vshendria Rating: R thus far, may be NC-17 soon
Pairing: Sterek
Spoilers: A lot of references to 3B events
Warnings: Mental illness, Suicide Attempts. Do I need to warn for WIP?
Word Count: 30,000+ and counting
Notes: I started writing this near the end of 3B. It is set 10 years in the future, presumably "after" canon. As of now it is mostly consistent with canon but will very likely become canon divergent once the next season airs. Beta'd by the wonderful
qaffangyrl Summary: After the nogitsune, everything changes, and not just for Stiles. He is never really the same but ten years down the road he finally has something resembling stability. The world knows about the existence of the supernatural. Scott is the leader of a cryptomorph rights movement and Derek is his loyal second as well as the director and librarian of the Hale-Argent Archive. Stiles digs up something that he thinking might be solution to everyone's problems -- or will it? Meanwhile, Derek will have to figure out if he has it in him to be there for Stiles in the way that Stiles needs him to be.
This link will take you to Chapter One:
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1306015/chapters/2712952. There is a second chapter as well, and I'm hard at work on Chapter Three. Feedback and comments are extremely welcome. I need them like I need air and light!