Title: A Road That's Built To Last
twisting_vine_xRating: NC-17
Genre and/or Pairing: Romance, angst
Spoilers: AU
Additional info: sharing a bed, road trips, if-your-fandom-was-in-Canada, language, hitchhiking AU, first time, first kiss, Derek is still a werewolf, Vancouver, past canon character death, vague references to Derek's sexual history (i.e. past dubcon), safer sex, unrepentant romance, Supernatural references, bottom!Derek, top!Stiles, explicit sexual content, wolfing out a bit during sex, brief mention of prostitution.
Word Count: 23,000
Notes: A/N: This started out as a prompt
here, and then grew madly and wonderfully out of control, until it became a full-fledged 23,000 word road trip AU, in which Stiles and still-a-werewolf-hitchhiker!Derek gradually fall in love while traveling across Canada together. Also, title comes from Gordon Lightfoot. ♥
Summary: Stiles is driving the Trans-Canada highway, all the way from Toronto to Vancouver. He's always been told that it's a bad idea to pick up hitchhikers, but, somehow, he's still got someone riding shotgun with him, and he's starting to think it might be one of the best decisions he's made in a long time.
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