Title: Little Red Riding Hood (You're Everything A Big Bad Wolf Could Want)
joidianne4evaPairing: Derek/Stiles
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Teenage angst
Spoilers: General for Season One
Word Count: 1,645
A/N: Gifted to
cougars_catnip and
el_gilliath. For this prompt over on Fic_promptly "Teen Wolf ~ Derek/Stiles ~ red riding hood" Huge thanks to Cougars_catnip for the read through and beta.
Summary: “You can’t force someone to be your friend.” Derek pointed out when Stiles caught up with him matching him stride for stride.
“Forcing? Who said anything about forcing, I’m not gonna force you. You’re the Big Bad Wolf in this scenario and I’m Little Red. Look I’m even dressed for the part. I can’t force you to do a damn thing,”
Little Red Riding Hood (You're Everything A Big Bad Wolf Could Want)