Title:You Don't Need To Show Off (I'm Already Yours)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 9505
Warnings: exhibitionism, extremely unsafe driving practices, suit porn, bareback, etc.
Summary: Sometimes Stiles thinks that he's the plot point of every John Hughes movie ever to exist. When Derek finally gets around to taking Stiles out on their first date, he finds out he's right. Prompts at the end notes :)
Ihni. Thanks to Diva for the title! I really have to blame tumblr for this. I
was procrastinating writing a sherlock fic, and this happened. It's a a sequel of sorts to Hey There Little Red, but there's only a couple of references to that plot. Basically, this is just filth cleverly disguised as a literary endeavor. In my defense: Dylan O'Brien.
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