!author's tag request post

Dec 26, 2012 18:40

An author's tag will only be given to a writer/vidder/artist/podficcer/etc of three fanworks or more. It is up to the author to make the mod request for an author's tag once they have reached the fanworks quota required for a tag. Else, use a general author tag starting with your username. Multiple chapters of the same work does not count to the total quota of three or more fanworks. Request an author's tag by filling out the form below which asks for your lj user name and the links to the three fanworks you have posted to the community.

Please don't make multiple requests for a tag. If you don't have three or more unique fanworks, your request will be denied. An author's tag must be used whether you are a writer/vidder/artist/podficcer/etc (either their respective tag or the general one provided). Please change your tags when you are given an author's tag.

Fanwork #1:insert fic title
Fanwork #2:insert fic title
Fanwork #3:insert fic title

Your mods are swing_set13, ashe_frost, gwendy1, havemy_heart and lielabell. Please contact a mod with any of your questions/comments/concerns.

*mod post