Title: Divided in Diversely Colored Factions
Author: Jenova VII
Fandom | Disclaimer: Teen Wolf © Jeff Davis, MTV
Timeline: Post-Season 2
Pairing(s) | Character(s): Derek/Stiles, canon ensemble, OCs
What to expect: un-romance, bonding, bizarre sense of humor, trashy action, violence, gore, first kiss
Rating: T
Summary: (Or five times Stiles and Derek kind-of-not-kiss before they start going steady and one time they actually get to kissing and they're still not boyfriends, per see, but they'll get there. Eventually.)
A/N: I've actually only watched up to 1x04 and the rest is Tumblr's fault. I'm still flying blind on the TW fandom so characterization failure is most likely to be expected ahead. My apologies in advance.
Edit: This thing was crawling with typos. My fault for writing at dawn and posting without re-reading once. All mistakes fixed now, I hope.
LJ /
AO3 /