I definitely hear you on the "getting more involved" point. Btw, thanks for referring me to that George W. supporter site -- I joined. *grin*
Lately, I have really been feeling a tug to do something... and I don't know what it is, but I feel like all my life has been a preparation for me to do something... for my friends and family... people I don't know... this country... possibly the world. I just don't know what it is yet. I have been a little warrior here, becoming a part of many things political in this city and trying to bring about change. It's sort of like preaching to the choir here, though. Which is why I feel like I'm supposed to be elsewhere...
Hang in there and concentrate on your nuptuals, kid. After that, you two can address conquering the liberal cause. ;o) I'm SO excited for you guys!!! Not long now!
No, what is your excuse for not backing a brother up on the BOOB anymore? All my Conservative friends dont post anymore. Mikey, Trent, Josh, you, etc. I need me some back up. Em and I need our warriors by ou side for this. We are drowning in a sea of Demoncats.
My excuse is I don't get my internet at home until Saturday! I promise, I'll back you up! Where have YOU been on there, eh? :oP I know what you mean about the sea of DemoCRAPs. Gag.
Comments 5
and getting Em drunk at her bachelorette party ;)
Lately, I have really been feeling a tug to do something... and I don't know what it is, but I feel like all my life has been a preparation for me to do something... for my friends and family... people I don't know... this country... possibly the world. I just don't know what it is yet. I have been a little warrior here, becoming a part of many things political in this city and trying to bring about change. It's sort of like preaching to the choir here, though. Which is why I feel like I'm supposed to be elsewhere...
Hang in there and concentrate on your nuptuals, kid. After that, you two can address conquering the liberal cause. ;o) I'm SO excited for you guys!!! Not long now!
No, what is your excuse for not backing a brother up on the BOOB anymore? All my Conservative friends dont post anymore. Mikey, Trent, Josh, you, etc. I need me some back up. Em and I need our warriors by ou side for this. We are drowning in a sea of Demoncats.
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