Dec 17, 2003 08:01
I am so psyched. We are just a couple of days away from signing the initial contract on the home. What that means is it will be a countdown of about 100 days until he home is complete. They break ground next Monday for the slab. Now, this does mean a few months of construction headaches, but I really believe it will be worth it. Finally, we get out of an apartment. No more common walls, no more sharing hot water, no more having to hide the kitty, no more sharing parking with inconsiderate people, etc.
Now all we need to do is somehow get a few pieces of furniture. We are definitely in need of a dining table and chairs. As well, some new couches, this one has finally surpased its good days. We are lucky enough to have everything we need for the bedroom as well as a guest bedroom. Just a matter of budgeting at this point.
On the last note, Christmas. I am 95 % complete at this point. Just one more to go. It of course is the most important one. I have to get Emmeline her gift. It has just been a matter of time getting out there. I tried on Sunday, but the fact that it took me 30 minutes to even attempt to find parking at Memorial City Mall and there was no success was a great deterent. Now I am going to have to get out after work and get it done. Never fear, I can get it done.
Ok, I have to get ready for work. Hopefully I can get this audit done today so it is one less thing to stress over.