TITLE : By the Sea 5
RATING : the whole of the story get's an R rating.
DISCLAIMER : I unfortunately don't own lovett, or sweeney. :(
PAIRING : sweeneyXlovett
SUMMARY : This is a little chapter story. This is also on ff.net and deviant art. My first ever fic.
A little while later they found a decent looking abandoned house by the shore that was more than big enough for a barbershop and a meat pie emporium. She was busy thinking of ways to fill up their lovely little home by the sea. Mr.T decided that it would be a good idea to unpack everything but the rotting corpse from the coach. They would leave the corpse there until nightfall. Later that night they had unpacked the gin and began drinking. They started spilling their secrets to each other after awhile. She told Mr.T that she had always and would always love him no matter what. Mr.T confessed that when he was Benjamin Barker he would hear the violent fights that she and would have; but that Lucy would tell him that they should just mind their own business. She told him that she never liked his precious Lucy. He told her that he had always thought that she was beautiful; even with the cuts and bruises she no doubt had all over her body. She told him that it was really her who killed Albert not the gout. He told her that he didn't really mind the sea all that much. Out of all the things he said it was this that had pleased her the most. Before she could stop herself she was kissing him. She was kissing her Mr.T by the sea.