Still Alive and Kickin'

May 08, 2005 10:34

Things have been less then perfect these last few months.....BUT.....
We had a gorgeous thunderstorm this morning, it seems as if we have come to the point, where in good ol' ND, we have bypassed the winter months and are slowly progressing forward onto the humid warmth of spring and the dry, windy summer. Dear God, BRING IT ON!!!!

There is nothing of major updating to do. Well, there have been "things" but not things that should be posted for the world to, exactly, and one wonders what the hell is the point of a LJ then, right?

Work has been mortifying. The stress level is off the richter scale, and I think if my hair color wasn't out of a box, you would see a TON of grey hair.....hence why Loreal and I will be tight for along time.

I, Tracy, have been horribly neglectful the last few months. A friend stopped over yesterday and told me that she felt I was ignoring her and didnt want anything to do with her anymore. Shall I point out that I am 31yrs old and she is 39yrs old? I know people need friends, but I feel the need, on occasion, to tell my friends that we arent in high school anymore. She explained to me that she drug her ass to my home just because I never make an effort to visit with her. Which is true, I dont tend to put myself into her world all that often. But truth betold, her little world is quite fucked up. Just recently, another long time friend sent me an email telling me she wanted our friendship "back". Well, like her phone calls, I didnt respond to the email either. Honestly, there is just to much drama with these people. Does anyone have just a normal every day sorta life? With the typical boring days at work and a few gripes of complaint about their home being messy? As I tell so many people, Friends Are Overrated. Hmmm...just a quick and odd thought, maybe I keep choosing high maintenance friends.....either which way, sometimes they are to much of a bother.
So, the friend that came to visit, she informs me that maybe we should "Plan" something weekly, that way we always get to spend a bit of time together. WHAT?!?! Planning "play dates" for 30+ yr olds? Sadly, I agreed to it, so now I have to be creative in finding something we can do without causing me to lose to many days of my life.
I sound ungrateful dont I? Having friends that care about me, who can listen to all my trials and tribulations. Someone always there at the end of the phone to be comforting and lending that shoulder if times are tough. Yet, I am not full of trials and tribulations and I dont need that shoulder to cry on. (I don't tend to show to many my weaknesses, not even my friends) I am ungrateful I guess. And now to be a good friend I am obligated to find something for us to do so she knows/thinks/is secure with our friendship. Oh the shit I find myself getting into.

On the other end of the spectrum, I have another friend, her and her darling husband tend to try and set me up with his "friends". I swear each and every party I go to, she or her huband pulls me aside, point in the direction of the "new" guy at the party and profess they "found" another one for me. Good news, they are always picking my type, but they really do go out of their way, and not once have I taken them up on their little offerings. Hell, the last one was married. Friends. I swear none of mine are normal.

In other news, I am in the midst of building a new computer. This one is going to be bare bones minimum. Its purpose is do to nothing more then play music. (I have put my home entertainment comp building on the back burner for the moment) We have a family reunion coming up in June, and I've offered to bring, provide, and entertain for this big shin-dig. It keeps me busy, and I dont have to listen to "Its been forever since we've seen you". So this new PC is going to be nothing but an excellent DJ program for beat mixing the songs, play lists will be created, and for the daring of heart, Karaoke will be implemented. I am guessing I am having more fun with this little project then one would expect. I am sucha geek sometimes. :)

Well, kiddies, this is my update. I figure once a month is all I can muster these days. So you all behave, take care, and see you around the watercooler next time.
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