Jun 15, 2009 22:37
Work is hell. I have the next two days off. HOORAY!
I bought liquor to deal with my life in a non-adult way : )
I spoiled myself this week with my paycheck. I know I shouldn't have *sigh* but my buyers remores isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Adam actually ordered everything I wanted, so I guess in my mind I didn't buy anything :D works, right? LOL
I also shouldn't have bought the liquor that was $20 I could have put towards bills as extra because my goal is to have all the bills if not atleast half completely paided off buy the end of summer. When is the end of summer? LOL <-- again with that. But the burn of that that first drink was awesome.
Ahahahahah look at my spider man! He is SO FRIGGIN' ADORABLE! Who doesn't want to SMISH A BABY SPIDERMAN BABY!!
Alright I am going off to drink and eat cake. That's a combo for disaster.