I just had a moment.
I'm sitting at my desk in my room with the window wide open. It is white, gray, and rainy, the breeze is cool, and the white linen curtains are fluttering against my desk.
I'm writing out postcards, and this gorgeous song came up on my playlist.
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I felt like I was transported back to another century (for the record, these days it feels much more natural to say siglo than century). I felt like Elizabeth Bennett reading Mr. D'Arcy's letter, or Jo March writing a novel at her desk by candlelight.
I love moments.
(As my playlist continued, I realized all the songs on it hit the same spot that I love being tinged at when it rains. Considering my playlist is called "The Soul Inside", I think it's safe to assume that this realization just reminded me of/renewed my love for rain. The rain here feels different than the rain back home - perhaps because it comes from the sea - and so I haven't taken the opportunity to just soak in all that I love about rain. A beautiful moment.
I also love having a place to come and randomly spill out my simple pleasure moments...I miss doing that here in my journal.)