I often talk about music tugging at my soul or playing some sort of role in my daily attitude. While the music I listen to obviously varies based on mood or activity, my common go-to is always stuff that really just tugs hard on the heart strings or soothes the noise of the outside.
I'm always trying to compile a list of the songs that really get me, but as I'm always finding new ones, some may have been left by the wayside. Some of these have been on the list forever. Some are fresh. Some haven't been on the list for a while but still produce the same feelings. Some are artists that would make the list no matter the song because they are just that good, a kindred perhaps. It's hard to draw the line at my folk staples and this list, as a few folky ones bleed over to soul searching status. In case anyone wants to lose themselves in chill emo-fabulous land like I often do, here is my current "Steph just being Steph" playlist (in no particular order):
"Arrival of the Birds", The Cinematic Orchestra (
"Felitsa", Yanni (
"Were You at the Rock (An Raibh Tu Ag an Gcarraig)", Áine Minogue (
link, lower right side)
"La Soñadora", Enya (
"The Dark Night of the Soul", Loreena McKennitt (link)
"Into the West", Annie Lennox (
"When Ginny Kissed Harry", Nicholas Hooper (
"Dante's Prayer", Loreena McKennitt (
"To Build a Home", The Cinematic Orchestra (
"Exile", Enya (
"On Your Shore", Enya (
"River's Edge", Great Lakes Swimmers (
"River Flows In You", Yiruma (
"Roslyn", Bon Iver (
"I'd Like to Know", Meg Hutchinson (
"Jesus Christ the Apple Tree", King's College Choir of Cambridge (
There are many that are less on the "tug on the heart" side of things, but still occasionally bleed over from other lists and play when I'm trying to calm the crap down. I should note that absolutely any heartfelt Spanish guitar music makes this list. It's probably too much to list right now, so I'll leave it at this. Now everyone can go take a bath and pretend they don't exist to the world.