I flew in to D.C. on Valentine's Day and stayed with my "twin" Rachel, who works on the Hill. It was my second trip to D.C., which has become one of my favorite U.S. cities. On Friday I toured around the city on my own thanks to the Metro and my own two legs; I was super bummed that I didn't bring my camera in on the ultra-long Capitol tour, because the rotunda is AMAZING. Friday night Rachel, her co-worker Jo, and I all walked endlessly through downtown D.C. by night, and went to Cap Lounge (had this crazy basement lounge with all this Shriner stuff in it!) and The Dubliner, where I met a really nice guy from Colorado that works at the Pentagon (he thought I was beautiful and it was this big thing of him having Rachel trying to convey that to me for him, and then him telling me himself). I loved the Irish music!!! Rachel and I walked back what felt like miles around 2am to her car back at the Hill, successfully without getting our throats slit. On Saturday, Rachel called up her friend Amanda and we decided to head up to Philadelphia since we had never been there. On the way we stopped in Doylestown, Pennsylvania to check out the Mercer Museum. The Museum was AMAZING! This guy was like I am. I'm so glad he saved so much stuff, and he obsessed with continuously building this place, so we could all see history! Google the museum, seriously. It's quite the place. We only got to spend a couple hours in Philly (and missed the last tour of Independence Hall because we were waiting for the crosswalk to let us cross!) and I hope to go again, but what little time we had there was fun! The highlight was the whole short trip...the Liberty Bell, the LOVE art, the outside of Independence Hall, the cobblestone streets, and of course, GENO'S CHEESESTEAKS!!! We came back that night. On Sunday, I tried to go to the Chevy Chase ward, but apparently I didn't receive the memo that it was Stake Conference there or something, so no one was there! Rachel and I drove around, and ultimately ended up at the Washington Mall. It was a gorgeous cool gray day, around 45 or 50 degrees, gray skies, and a beuatiful humidity livening my skin. On Monday it was raining and I flew out.