This past weekend at the Michigan Grand Lodge (Blue Lodge) for the Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan, my father was elected (off the floor) to the office of Most Worshipful Grand Marshal.
This means he'll be Most Worshipful Grand Master for the State of Michigan in seven years!
Yeah, he's pretty much a big deal. :)
(And might I add that I will be 31 going on 32 that year? Yikes!)
I'm super proud of him. It's about time...this has been a long time coming, considering his activity in Masons. Check out his
website to see his crazy involvement in every day life, church life, and masonic life all rolled together!
Funny part is, he's not even finished out with being Associate Grand Guardian for Michigan Job's Daughters (finishes in July), or as Eminent Prior for KYCH. That guy is a title-a-holic. :)
Anyway, proud of you dad!