Okay, so I just finished reading Twilight. I first heard about it over the summer when
melanoo11 wrote about it in her lj and how everyone was talking about it. She said it was a vampire novel, so immediately I was intrigued. I kept hearing about more and more people reading it, but I didn't think about it until it was plastered on the shelves at
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She loved it and went out and bought and finished the other two books in a day, haha. I love my mom.
Anyway, I've felt a bit leary about the books, for some reason...maybe it's because vampire novels remind me of before I was a Christian and I read Anne Rice, and those were particularly dark days, so I was nervous to read "Twilight" because I didn't want to put my mind in something that wouldn't be good for me spiritually.
But if you say it was good, I'll give the books a shot :)
Oh, and I TOTALLY know what you mean about the jealousy/possessiveness/protectiveness of books. I was so the same with Harry Potter because like you, I've always had a wild imagination. When I played with my American dolls, they always had magical powers, and me and my friend would end up pretending we were the dolls so we could have bigger adventures.
I read the first Harry Potter book way before people had even heard of it, so i was annoyed when all the stupid people started obsessing and being like, "OMGZZZ Harry Potter is so awesome! And SEXAY!"
And I've always been that way with bands that I loved before they were really discovered. It always made me mad when they got big, because there would be annoying people at the shows for the wrong reasons, aka, because they thought the lead singer was hot, or they liked that one hit song.
Anyway, I digress, haha.
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