Oct 09, 2007 22:47
I've been a bit out of it lately. After some episodes and weird scares, I talked myself into going to the doctor. I found out that since I've moved here to a higher elevation, all sorts of weird things have been happening to my body. This weekend some of those things manifest themselves in a very ugly way that motivated me to go to the doctor. I found out I have a serious case of Vertigo (could be chronic living out here, too) caused by Labyrinthitis. The elevation screwed up my eardrums and my nerve receptors are drowning in fluids. I became concerned after I started trying to walk somewhere simple like into the other room and I fell over and bumped into furniture repeatedly. I'm thankful it's not something horrible like a brain problem, but lack of balance, severe nausea and motion sickness just from standing up or walking, and a bundle of other pretty problems sure don't make it appealling. I'm hoping the meds for draining the fluids work (which will cause a big case of cold/flu/strept) and that I don't have to take motion sickness pills just to go to the grocery store! They make me all asleep at the drop of a hat.
Just another reason to leave the beautiful West someday and look into New England.