BOOOO for snowing a good 8-10 inches last night in my driveway, and more on the roads.
BOOOOO this morning, the snowblower wouldn't start (hooray for crappy spark plugs!)... I had to floor it out of my driveway.
HOOORAY! for me being highly skilled in proper driveway-exiting techniques in a foot of snow.
But BOOOO for snow so high that my alternator crapped out and I was in the middle of the road stopped dead for like five seconds.
HOORAY! for getting going again!
And HOORAY! for avoiding the complete donut at the bottom of the hill where they drop all the snow and where I turn to get to work!
But BOOOO...big BOOOO for black ice...very deceiving in fluffy snow like this, and quite rare in these conditions.
BOOOOOOO for black ice, that still gets the best of me even though I'm going 25mph and start braking a block early.
BOOOOOOOOOOO for black ice that spins me in a fishtaily donut and parks me in a snowbank, right across the highway from work.
BOOO for not having gloves or a shovel.
But HOOOOORAY! for adorable little old heroic yooper-grown men that see your little performance from across the highway and come to your aid.
And HOOOOOORAAAAAAY for small communities where everyone knows each other, so they stop and talk to/help their little old men buddies!
BOOOO for smart-bum remarks from the cute little old man's funny old friend saying, "Hey! Whathcya doin? You can't angle park here, dontchya know?!" And keep on cracking jokes about angle parking in the middle of a highway.
HOOOORAY! for pushing me out in under 30 seconds...only a brief two minutes from my parking time in the snowbank.
I wish I got the first little old man's name so I can write him a "Thank You" in the paper.