I was reading
this dedicatory prayer, and was on the part about us being mindful of Joseph & Hyrum being martyred and this piece of music I was listening to blossomed into a brilliant melody. Chills shot up and down my spine. It was such a great feeling.
Sometimes when I hear music (much of which in connection with the church in some form), I feel like I'm picked up and placed back in the 1800's when our first Prophet of this dispensation roamed the earth, helping those in need, working diligently. I feel like I can see, I can hear, and that he and I are wonderful friends...like I've looked in those eyes of love.
I know that may sound cliché, but coming from a girl who didn't have too much of a testimony of Joseph Smith for the first 21 years of her life (minus the small bits she remembered from primary), it's a pretty amazing feeling.
And then I recall my testimony I shared at the young singles activity in Oshkosh a month ago...and I am amazed at the woman inside of me. The one I was made to be. She's got a pretty special and powerful love for the gospel.
And I love it.