May 12, 2004 17:47
mrs. graf... is a funny lady.
james stien really irritates me.
in fact, so does just about everyone at my art table.
jane "jungle fever" barrett liked my shoes today.
my white cotton slippers. they're so comfy and summery and i need MORE.
today was okay. i'm not really used to this whole "getting up on time" business. but i finished the book for english, and all i have to do in art is my o'keefe (flower that looks suspiciously like a vagina) and cityscape/perspective drawing. 'cos i finished my mandrian thingy. i have no idea why that took everyone else so long to do. it's just coloring in squares, pretty much.
i saw the rippling cellulite on some chick's ass today. nobody should be wearing shorts that high in the first place.
when someone is virtulaized into lyoko, how come they appear feet above the ground?
and then fall?
strawberry melon tropicana is sexy sexy.