Dear Incandescent T.I. Fans...

Nov 19, 2008 11:39

"Brain so good shorty swear you went to college."

Is NOT an ode to higher eduction. Unless that higher education is an advanced degree in succkingadickology with a minor in fellatio.

YOU HAVE BEEN EDUCATED! Now continue to enjoy T.I., but know that "Whatever You Like" is basically an exchange of sex for stuff. But like, with love and appreciation and stability. Just like gay marriage!

So when you think of T.I., think of sucking dick and gay marriage.

I don't know, I'm soooo bored.

(Incandescent was a play on words, DID YOU GET IT?!)

bored, could this entry have any more tags?!, gay hottness, nablopomo, musicology, hot mess, public

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