Gay Gay Gay... kinda

Aug 02, 2008 07:26

So let's talk about this "I Kissed a Girl" song by Katy Perry. Now first, I admit, I am in love with Katy Perry's voice. I think it's genius and although completely non-unique, she does things that are unique with it today. While Annie Lennox or Sinead might look at her and shrug, my niece and nephews think she's awesome. And dangit if "Kissed a Girl" isn't catchy as crap.

She's gotten a lot of flack for the juxtaposition of "Kissed a Girl" and "Ur so Gay" and as well she should; both songs are kind of rude and abysmal. There's a part where she tells the girl "Ur just my experimental game" to which I -if I were said girl- would say "SCREW YOU HEARTBREAKER KATY PERRY!". The other ditty chastises some poor boy for wearing eyeliner and like... basically being emo. That's not nice!

Thing is that neither are doing anything for the gays except encouraging more people to flirt with them for a little experimental action. Well, the girls at least. And even worse yet there's a remix! And it's SO CATCHY! It takes every bastion, every caveat, every single conventional aspect of what teenagers think hip-hop is and meshes it with a pop rock song. AND IT'S BRILLIANT! Typical rap at the front and back by effing MiMs (MiMS!) whith a beat switch and the large group of black guys "HEY! HEY! HEY!" chorus in the back. Some record scratching and that gorgeous Katy Perry voice and suddenly before you know it, your girl is walking around all "THE TASTE OF HER CHERRY CHAPSTICK!".

It's just not a good day in Stickyland is all. Because I start immediately thinking about girls and how they do the things they do, and my mind wanders to this poster I saw in San Francisco about foster care with these two white women who adopted this black boy teenager and I thought about how that could possibly be the best drama ever and I should call LoGo or here! or someone and let them know. Then I wander about ethnic gays and stereotypes and then I settle on "THE MAN THAT HAD A BABY!!!" and I get mad but I'm not sure how much right I have.

Work this out with me, will you? So like, first off, if a woman decides to become a man, but chooses to keep her reproductive rights, then she's not as much of a man as she is a REALLY butch lesbian. So why the big deal? I know really butch lesbians that have given birth. Some while chopping wood or whatever manly things butch lesbians like to do. None of them identify as men because they don't mind being chicks, they're just a little more butch than most.

The whole concept of cysgenderism or transexuality was completely foreign to me until I came on eljay and since then I've befriended a good handful of gender switchin' babes whose world is filled with binders and savings funds for future operations. Which, to each their own, right? I'm still learning and Lord knows I have a long way to go, but ultimately, if your a chick that wants to be a dude I can't really change your mind. But y'all? Why the double dipping?

Honestly, if you're a chick who is going to be a dude, I need you to be a dude all the way, and that means forfeiting those reproductive rights. This goes for guys too, you wanna become a chick? Whatevs, but off with the frickin schlong. If Alexis Arquette can do it so can you (and he had a nice one)! I don't know, I think the whole spectacle is completely insulting. This is not a straight couple we're dealing with, it's a freak show parading as the new gay. It's not a straight couple, this is not Junior, it's a lesbian couple deciding to have a baby! Or at the very most it's an alternative couple, but it's not the new face of straight marriage, or every woman's dream realized or whatever the headlines want you to tell you it is. It's... a lie.

Which is why I'm talking about it now. It's something that's completely baffled me, the strange fascinating attention being paid to this lie. And you know now that it's on paper and I'm seeing it outside my head I'm thinking that it's less about the problem I have with it in general, and more about the problem I have with the reaction. There have been some supportive comments, some hateful ones, but what's the point if no one will talk about it? What did this "pregnant man" teach us, or show us that we take away? Where's the message, the lesson, the comeuppance? It's so flash in the pan and here's pictures of the baby girl, and here's their nursery, and here's what their neighbors think, and it's so fascinating (but why?) and controversial (but why!?).

I don't know, and more importantly I'm not sure if I want to find out.

discuss!, gay hottness, musicology, public, zappenings

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