Ronnie Tales
My homegirl
ronniebm told me this story and then emailed it to me. I loved it so much that I'm going to share it with you. With special shoutouts to
Shannon, and
happycapt who I know have been through mess like this before!
Hello all,
I hope this message is reaching everyone in good spirits. I had an incident this weekend at beloved Wal-mart and thought I would share. I often grocery shop at the super center and this is what happened. I am walking with my cart to get milk. A man in front of me is working diligently on his shopping list crossing off items he had already got and noting the ones he still needed. Apparently next on his list was 4 gallons of milk. He opens the milk case and pulls out four gallons, two in each hand, like his wife requested. The list was written in large bubbly letters so it is obvious he didn't make it! He puts the two in his right hand into the cart and was looking for somewhere to put the other two. That is when I notice one of the containers in his left hand is leaking. This is no drip here or there but a steady stream. He doesn't seem to notice so I say "excuse me sir, one of your milks has a leak". He looks at me in bewilderment! Like I'm telling him that he is growing a second head. So I say "yes there is a leak, I think in that one!" pointing to it. He is still confused. So I say "there is milk on your toes!". He looks down and finally gets it. So he says thank you then goes and puts the wrong gallon back!!! I was soooo amused I just walked away. See what happens when fathers go shopping!
Hope this can brighten your day!
Hee! That's going to be my new "Duh!"
"You have milk on your toes!"