Feb 24, 2008 16:38
I've already decided that I don't like one of my future spring professors for 2 reasons.
When I was originally planning my classes for spring I saw that her class required an entry code, so I sent her an email asking for one. She sent me back an email telling me that I didn't need a code, and simply needed the prereqs (which I have). This really confused me, and after checking the spring schedule several times to make sure that I wasn't crazy, I was damn sure that I needed that code but felt like an idiot asking again. So, because I am so stealthy, I convinced Ryan (using his still active UW email) to send her an email also asking for an entry code, but this time, specifically stating that it mentions needing one on the schedule. And she gave him one. So then I sent another email, and got mine too.
And the more important second reason:
I register on Thursday morning, and so I wanted to check that all of my classes were still open. All of them were plenty roomy, but then I noticed that the time of her class had dramatically shifted from the time that it used to be. The class is 3 credits, and was originally T/Th from 1:30 to 2:50. NOW it is Wednesday from 10:30 to 2:50! WHAT? That doesn't make any sense! The class is only 3 credits, so it shouldn't have a 4 and half hour class it begin with. But more importantly, how is that class suppose to fit in any normal person's university schedule??! It doesn't. No one is currently registered for the class (I WONDER WHY!).
The annoying thing is that I really should take this class for my major, and before all the stupidness I actually wanted to take it. I'm just reluctant to move around the rest of my close-to-perfect schedule for a class that no one else will take. And if no one else registers for the class but me, it will be dropped, then I will be super screwed. Ick. I would take something else, but all the other classes of interest I have already taken or don't apply to me.
So, I had Ryan send another stealthy email to complain/ask why the class changed. And really it's not like she can't move the class to another time because NO ONE IS CURRENTLY REGISTERED.
How stupid. My schedule was so close to being like the best thing ever (no Friday or Monday classes). Lame.