As you can see, our friend Rick here is clearly up to no good. Don't trust that one.. he's trouble!!!
mmkay, I don't know this girl's name but she was there too and she was funny... not a great picture but that's whatever... I didn't take this picture so ha!
So this guy is dancing. I'm not really sure who he is either, but it was apparently a big deal that he was dancing... I think you can kinda tell why...
Bj stole the oven mitt that was hiding my last beer & made it his.... I think it was so he could handle my hot buns (ha!)
Here's Bo carrying the girl in that other picture... I should photoshop this and make it look like he's carrying her from a burning building or something..
Silly boys... look at how Bj's holding his beer
More party people, I don't know their names... I don't think I took this pic either though..
Here's Bo with that hottie Asian girl who was all about him...
If the next two pictures were a flip book, I'd be the happiest girl on earth... (granted I look like roadkill in both pictures, if you go back and forth Bj looks absolutely hilarious)
Bo & his girlfriend(s) are like celebrities with all this posing & photo taking...
Some of the party people, you can see where everybody's attention lies....
So there you go. I think I need to start taking more pictures of myself... I think almost every picture I post online is of somebody else. What about meeeeee???
Ok, more pictures when I get home from Germany... BYE