I know i've made some commitments to some of you this weekend but unfortunately something came up last second and i'm out of town for business until next Wednesday. So here it goes:
dosboof : I hope you have an awesome bday, sorry I can't make it but you know if i was in town i'd be there for sure. I'm working on a plan that will hopefully prevent me from missing such events in the future.
youngenglshrose : I'm sorry i won't be around to celebrate one of you most significant bdays ever, but now that you can hang out I hope to run into you more often. Happy Bday!
chesty_laroux : Sorry can't make it to your awesome karaoke fun bday on Friday :( sad sad sad i know...
morbidiqua : This will be my first official missing Dead Pool, hopefully it won't be the last! I enjoy sinking balls into pocket holes too much!
theophile : I will have to thank your "sexcellency" hopefully next week!