growing pains.................good show................what happened 2 that show?

Aug 06, 2005 18:14

man im tired
maybe its from staying out till 4 30 hmmm chelsea?
ya last night was fun we snuck out of chelseas house we need 2 do that more often we hung out w/ some random dudes it was so damn random...
we were sitting there complaning about not knowing any guys and then ring theres a random dude in chelseas drive way...
they were cool...
im tired by the way
hung out w/ re today...
im having a good hair day...
im really tired
i need to go to the pool im really getting pale again
things w/ matthew are damn confusing
but im ok w/ it i guess i dunno i have alot of mixed feelings right now
i haven't cryed in a really long time though he when he said things 2 me that hurt the shit out of my feelings
so i guess hes helped me be more tough but i dunno it sucks liking someone that you can't go out w/ ya
boys geez
my boob hurts maybe its growing again
ahhh i don't really want it 2
but hey maybe its just a cramp boob cramp you know haha
im frezing ahh
my electricty went out yesterday
i had a werid dream that invovled quint, stephen brown, and some dude i saw at the movies ... we went 2 the circus it was werid
MAN lifes been random lately
im liking it
hopefully this will last
im confused though damn confused
ive been cussing alot lately i need 2 cut back
maybe not
i went 2 montevallo the other day
no way in hell im going there...
every guy i saw was ugly or oviously very gay haha no im just kidding thats just part of the reason i wouldn't go there its 2 small and the lady told me it was a non-campus life school
no thank you
im sorry if i haven't been a good friend lately
i miss being friends w/ katherine haas
like alot
maybe during the school year it will be better
ya peace
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