incomplete thats a really good song

Jul 26, 2005 11:55

i finally relized that it was over and over for good..
im not quite sure why it hit me last night but it did, im so lost lately you know i try so hard 2 pretend that everything is ok but its not, i try so hard not 2 let anyone know how sad i really am i try so hard i just have 2 but on this face and say just be happy you know and i never in my life had really ever had promblems being happy...
i cryed so hard last night that i threw up it really scared me cuz thats never happened 2 me before... you know i cryed myself 2 sleep after hours and hours of crying i tryed so hard not 2 cry but i couldn't help it when i woke up this morning my eyes were swollen and they still hurt
well we hung out yesterday... and its just so confusing cuz i get so jelous when he goes and hangs out w/ girls alone you know even though i know its not my place 2 even get jelous and he told me that we would never go out again and i mean i knew that was true but i don't really think it finally hit me untill last night
i don't really know what 2 do with myself
im not gonna call him even though its so hard for me not hard but i mean oviously he dosn't care cuz its not like he ever calls me r anything
its so hard you know i just wanna call him but i know thats exactly what i can't do
i just kinda feel shut down and ugly and unwanted
and on top of all this i have soccer camp i only have 2 go at night but i just am so unhappy
i hate this
if you watched the new episode of lunguna beach i feel sorta like stephen you nkow cuz he likes kristian but shes over him and moved on but then they still talk except i don't have anyone wanted me back though like him
i dunno i just wish there was some way that i could tell myself its ok kelly just get over him don't talk 2 him but u know i guess life not that easy
and everyones like ya don't talk 2 him r hang out but its so easy 2 say that but not easy 2 do it
i feel sorta like im obssessed w/ him but im not trying 2 be you know... i just never been so attachted 2 someone and i don't know how 2 just turn liking someone off
i never really had i real relationship you know were i was actually attached enough 2 affect like everything i do
you know cuz i fall asleep thinking of him and then i wake up thinking off him and i try so hard not 2 and i try 2 get over him its just so hard and i feel like im in this battle w/ something i can't overcome
and the thing is hes over it you know hes moved on and is ready for somebody else and it just hurts you know i dunno why ovisously he broke up w/ me for taht reason i just wish it was easier for me like him..
i dunno hes changed and i hate it
i hate everything about myself right now
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