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Jun 08, 2005 23:21

well damn...everyday just like speeds by...i've had a awesome last couple of days except wait alot of it sucked..me and my dad got in this huge fight about soccer...i know its about the only thing we ever fight about but when we do fight its generally really bad....he made me go to attack try outs when i didn't want 2 at all and it was raining and i didn't feel good but of course i went and it actually wasn't that bad and i only had to go to one when im not exactly sure howmany there were so it could have been way worse...damn my ankles keep itching "just like katherines" hmmmmm...anyways this is probably the last time im gonna right in this thingy before i leave for the beach cuz tommorrow i'll probably be doing crap to get ready for the beach or w/e and then i have that speed reading class at night,...but im going to the family reunion at panama city im leaving friday morning and then we leave there on monday but then my dad is taking me over to gulf shores and im staying w/ allysons family until thursday morning cuz were leaving really early so i should be home really early on thursday and im home for city stages hell yea....well if you love me u better call me cuz i will have no long distance but i have no mintues so expecailly call after 9 or on weekends but whenevers cool even though i know probably nobody loves me enough to call...well shit im tired....somebody damn well better call me....my whole faimly is on a freken diet even my dog my dog is very overwieght and if she dosn't loose weight it could be deadly and my dad has to eat right from now on and my sister and mom or now on weight watchers and we don't have shit in my house to eat literally we only have fat free everything which tastes like shit and the few things that are good are disapering my the mintue cuz my mom isn't buying crap anymore SO MY POINT IS IM ON A FREAKEN DIET TOO...bce oviously as u can see thats how it does...millions of people living as foes...haha yea thats on the osbornes...im gonna go to bed now
you better call me
luv kelly
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