Jun 02, 2005 22:35

summers been kick ass. yea. except it wont freaken stop raining. tonight on my way in i was running inside bce im cool and for some reason i always run inside from my car and i heard something running behind me and i was like OMG ITS A WOLF i dunno why i thought that but i did and so i started running really fast and so did it though and then i heard this little bity meow and it was my cat haha yea good story.
hmm i wanna do a survey thrust me i don't expect anyone to read it but if you want 2 sweet action yea hmm ok yea.
1. Name: KELLY
2. Birthday: AUGUST 19
3. Location: -oh yea
4. Where else have you lived: atlantia
5. School: Vestavia Hills High School
6. Zodiac sign: leo
7. Shoe size: beats me
8. Height: around 5'5
9. say what
10. Pets: bebe and whiskers
11. Siblings: Sister- katie
13. Hair color: redish blondish sorta kinda
14. Hair length: longish
15. Ever dyed you hair: hell no
16. What color: actually in 9th grade i got highlights shh but not since then
17. Grade: SENIOR....oh yea (right cuz thats exciting right? even though i still have another freaken year)
18. Are you good in school: hmmm ive improved this year
19. Hobbies: soccer, things you know
20. Nicknames: hmm i have sum i think?
21. What languages do you speak: english
22. Do you play sports: soccer, i use to swim and do basketball and tennis but yea just soccer now
23. Where were you born: Atlantia
24. Are you a night or a morning person: def night
25. Are you ticklish: hell yea
26. Do you believe in God: sure do
27. Do you have any other screen names: nope
28. What are they:-------------
29. Do you have braces: hell no
30. Do you have glasses/ contacts: nope

-Getting Personal -

31. What do you want to be when you grow up: hmmm
32. What was the worst day of your life: hmmmmm
33. What is your most embarrassing story: hmmmmm
34. What has been the best day of your life: hehe
35. What comes first in your life: exactly
36. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush: yes
37. What are you most scared of: dying....sharks....dark....being alone for a long period of time.....
38. If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them: haha i think u know
39. What do you usually think about before you go to bed: things
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