Dear Hollywood...(A rant)

Sep 24, 2009 18:06

Dear Hollywood,

I have been a loyal horror fan for many many years.  As such, I am thoroughly appalled by the increasing number of horror remakes that have been churning out for nearly a decade. I believe you money-grubbing ass-rats call them "reboots", not that that matters much.

I have a simple request of you: go fuck yourselves and fuck your goddamn "reboots"!  Can't you leave well enough alone?  You claim to be rebooting these movies so they will appeal to today's viewers.  Have you not thought that these remakes will also be as dated at the originals are today in ten to twenty years' time?  Probably not, as all you fuckers like to think about is another way to make money.

For the love of God, come up with something ORIGINAL!  It's not too hard!  Find someone with that thing called "imagination" as all your screenwriters appear to be lacking it.

Goddamn you, Hollywood.  Goddamn you to Hell


A Concerned Horror Fan

rant, horror, hollywood, remakes

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