Jan 28, 2006 13:59
Ok, so I just finished watching "Million Dollar Baby" on HBO. I didn't see it in theaters because until it got the Oscar nod last year, I didn't even know what the hell it was about. That, and movies that are made with some Hollywood producer thinking "I smell Oscar baby!" are usually beautifully put together, well acted, but lacking in actual plot movement. A lot of the movies are good, but nothing really happens for most of the film. I'd rather rent than pay 9 bucks to see it when it's first released. Anyway, back to the point, and I do have one. Clint Eastwood directed, co-starred in, produced and composed music for Million Dollar Baby. WTF mate?!
This man has directed movies. I take that back, lots of people have directed movies, he has directed Oscar winning movies. He has been an actor since 1955 and has a resume as long as my friggin driveway. He has produced Oscar winning movies, and now he's writing music. This raises the question, what the hell isn't he good at?! Honestly! Someone please tell me he sucks at something. Tell me he's bad in bed, or he likes to make fun of orphans or something. Tell me that he pushes little old ladies into traffic or bites the heads off of kittens. Seriously, find something! On top of all of his talent, all of Hollywood talks about what a great nice guy he is and praises him like he's Hollywood royalty, because in a way, he is. Oh, and despite the fact that he's almost 76 years old and looks like the Crypt Keeper, women still find him sexy. He's a real man's man in all of his movies, and spent most of his youth as a ladies man because girls love a bad guy. How unfair is that? Oh, and he has bands naming songs after him.
So here's my question for Mr. Eastwood. Could you possibly leave some talent out there for the rest of us? How are other people supposed to live up to all of that? Who is supposed to look at your career and go "Yep, I can top that"? Could you at least give us normal people some hope and reveal a flaw? Perhaps you're a robot and you could give us proof of that? I'd even accept the revelation that you are an alien. Do something to prove that you're not some sort of freaky Hollywood demigod. Reveal a weakness, because that would make MY day.